除非汇款人在本申请书中规定国内外银行费用由汇款人承担且汇款 行已成功从汇款人账户中扣除该等款项或从汇款人处收取该等款项而未发生延误, 因本次汇款产生的所有银行费用(无论是由汇款行收到的还是其它银行收取的)均从所汇款项中扣收。
All bank charges(whether collected by the remitting bank or any other bank)arising from the fund transfer will be deducted from ther fund transferred,unless this Application provides that all banks' transfer will be borne by the remitter and the remittion bank hass successfully deducted the same amount from the remitter's account or otherwise received such amount from the remitter without delay.
The banks reserve the right to drow this Telegraphic Transfer / Demand Draft/M/T on a different place from that specified by the remitter if operational circumstance so require.
汇出电汇/信汇的一切风险概由汇款人负责。若即期汇票由本行代汇款人寄出,则由本行对邮寄 失误概不负责。
Telegraphic Transfer/M/T is to be dispatched entirely at the remitter`s own risk and for a Demand Draft, the Bank will not be respomsible for mail servce failure if it is dispatched on behalf of the remiiter.
汇款行将于收到汇款申请之日后一个工作日内办理汇款业务,但若本申请书中标明“加急”作为电汇发电等级的,汇款行将于收到汇款申请后当日办理汇款业务。 于营业日下午三时后收到的电汇申请或于非营业日收到的汇款申请将被视为是在下一个营业日收到的。
The remiiting bank will process the remittance application within 1 banking day after the date of its receipt of such application,provided that if the item "urgent" is selected in the "Priority" section of this Application for Telegraphic Transfer,the remitting bank will process the remittance application within the same day after receipt of such application.Applications received after 15:00 hours on a banking day or applications received in a non-banking day shall be deemed as having been received on the next banking day.
All outward remittances are subject to the foreign exchange control and other relevant laws,regulations and regulatory requirements as well as the applicable account terms and conditions,tariffs and other terms made by the remitting bank.
The bank is at liberty to send theTelegraphic Transfer either literally or in cipher and the Bank accepts no responsibility for any loss, delay,error,omssion or mutilation which may occur in the transmission of any message or for its misinterpretation when received.
Applications for same day value are subject to cut-off time relates to the geographical location of the destination.
本人承诺通过杭州银行网银办理的汇出汇款业务真实、合法,符合人民银行、国家外汇管理局及其他相关法律、法规规定; 承诺所提交的影像与原始证件及证明材料一致,且原始单证不在任何银行用于重复支付;承诺按有关规定办理国际收支申报手续;按规定应提交纸质交易单证的, 本人承诺于交易起息日前或交易后5个工作日内补交至杭州银行经办机构柜台。